# PHPLiveX Library			#
# (C) Copyright 2006 Arda Beyazoğlu	#
# Version: 2.5.1			#
# Home Page: www.phplivex.com		#
# Contact: ardabeyazoglu@gmail.com	#
# Release Date: 27.09.2008		#
# License: LGPL				#

PHPLiveX 2.5.1

    This release fixes some bugs that people encounter and inform me. In addition, a useful and flexible feature is available.

Version Notes:

    * Now the select boxes can be used as "target" dom element for the response. For example, it may be used when listing towns after a choice in city in dropdown menus. See the example at homepage to learn!
    * Fixed bug occured when using "=" and "%" characters.
    * Fixed bug occured when ajaxifying more than one classes.
    * Fixed bug occured when ajaxifying classes having any public variable which has not been assigned a value.
    * Now the "params" option may be used with "SubmitForm" method.

### Please inform me (ardabeyazoglu@gmail.com) if you catch a bug or request a new feature.